Self store
Important Information

Rental rates & deposits

Britannia Lanes Self Store online rental rates are fully inclusive VAT. The minimum storage rental period is four weeks. You will also pay a deposit on the unit which is equal to four weeks. At the end of the rental period & after inspection of the storage unit where we will check that it is completely empty and that no damage has occurred, we will then refund you the deposit in full.

Identification & other documents to bring with you

We require a photographic ID: such as a Passport or photographic drivers licence.


The goods in storage with us must be insured. We can offer you an insurance policy at the cost of £0.60 per £1,000.00 of value per week. Please see policy details. Or you can arrange your own insurance. We will need to see written confirmation of the policy and that your effects are covered in the event of loss or damage. In either case we will require you will need to declare a True Total Value of The Goods held in our storage facility.

Amendments to move in date

All amendments must be submitted in writing or by email to the relevant branch. Amendment notification must be made more than four weeks prior to the commencement of the rental period. An administration charge of £5.00 will be made per amendment.


All cancellations must be submitted in writing or by email to the relevant branch. Cancellation notifications sent outside normal working hours (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) shall be deemed sent at the date and time they are opened on the next working day. When notification is more than 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the rental a refund of the deposit less 60% will be made. Notification less than 4 weeks or failure to show will result in no refund given.

Provision of storage space

Please note that we can refuse to provide a storage unit to any customer who is, in our opinion, unfit or does not meet eligibility requirements or wishes to store inappropriate items see section 22 in the Terms and Conditions. In such circumstances your contract with us will terminate immediately, and Britannia Lanes Self Store will have no further liability to you. We will return your deposit in full.

Room type / reserved

If a Self Storage Unit is reserved more than 4 weeks in advance Britannia Lanes Self Store is unable to guarantee the particular room shown on your voucher, it may be substituted for an alternative, of the same size/distance to carry or an upgraded room (at no extra cost). Britannia Lanes Self Store is unable to guarantee the shape of the unit you will receive but it will not be less than the square footage reserved. All rooms of less than 115 sq.ft. have a single door measuring 950mm. All rooms of 115 sq.ft. or larger have a double door measuring 1540mm. If, at the time of moving into your Self Storage unit, you decide that you need a different size, the facility manager will show you alternatives available and advise you of any difference in the rental charges. You will require a padlock to secure the unit which you can buy from our Self Storage facilities.

General conditions

All bookings by our clients are subject to our terms and conditions. To reserve a storage unit online you are required to read and accept the Terms and Conditions by placing a tick in the appropriate box.